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JUNE 2016

The ‘4 uur schuur’ or ‘4o’clock barn’ is a place where cyclists can have a break between 4 o’clock p.m and 6 o’clock p.m. Its located between Groningen and Thesinge (the Netherlands)next to a special bike lane between the grasslands. This bike lane is used the most in the morning when people go to school and work, and at 4 o c’lock p.m when the people are free again. Because of this timeframe I wanted to do something with the 4 o’clock theme. Het ‘4 uurtje’ (the 4 o’clock) is in the Netherlands a little break where most people drink tea with a biscuit or some other light weight food. I designed a place where people can enjoy this little break. Everything is designed with the time and the location in mind.

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